API Submission Example
You can follow these steps to make a submission using the BioStudies API
Get An Authorization Token
To use the BioStudies API you’ll need to get an authorization token using your credentials:
curl --location 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/submissions/api/auth/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"login": "<E-mail registered in BioStudies>",
"password": "<Password>"
The value received in the sessid
field of the response is your Authentication Token
Upload Files
You can upload files using the BioStudies Submission Tool, FTP or Aspera as described in this help page. In case you need to upload the files programatically, you can use the correspoding API as follows:
curl --location 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/submissions/api/files/user/' \
--header 'X-SESSION-TOKEN: <authentication token>' \
--form 'files=@"<path to your file>"'
Once you have the authentication token and files in place, it’s time to submit:
curl --location 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/submissions/api/submissions/async/direct' \
--header 'X-SESSION-TOKEN: <authentication token>' \
--form 'submission=@"<path to your submission file>"'
The submission file should contain a valid page tab describing your study. Please refer to the PageTab Specification for more information.